
Our company specializes in the repair, maintenance, and installation of balers, compactors, densifiers, and other industrial equipment for the recycling and waste industry.
Our goal is to provide every customer with an exceptional service experience at competitive prices every time.
Contact us for more information
Who we are
With over 30 years of experience, our Service manager and technicians are well suited to provide quality service for most industrial recycling equipment.
In depth knowledge of all types of recycling equipment and an established relationship with manufacturers allow us to obtain schematics and the technical support necessary to fix your equipment efficiently to get you back to work.
Recycling system development and maintenance...
Years of experience in new equipment manufacturing, equipment updates, turnkey recycling system design and maintenance to offer innovative solutions to your recycling problems
Repair and update of older and discontinued equipment...
Knowledge of hydraulic and electric controls systems allow us to repair and update older and discontinued equipment to avoid costly replacements
What does Fix It Right Mean?
Instead of the standard parts replacers that have become common place in this and many other industries, we have a standard practice of identifying the reason for equipment breakdowns before we start the repair process.
First, the apparent problems causing the breakdown are identified. Second, the underlying problem is diagnosed. Third, the technician provides the best solution to fix the problem.
Truly, the best way to solve long term issues and recurrent breakdowns in the future.
Green Process
We are very aware that it is everyone’s responsibility to protect our environment.
So, we make it a priority to follow all the necessary steps to dispose of hazardous materials in a responsible way.
Please let us know if you are having issues disposing of your recyclable materials. We can help point you in a good sustainable direction.
Get in touch
Fix It Right Inc.
PO Box 6984
Santa Ana CA
714-576-6FIX (349)
Service hours:
8 am - 4:30 pm Mon-Fri
Hourly Rate $110
After Hours
4:30 pm -9 pm Mon-Fri
Hourly Rate $165
Weekend Hours
8am - 5 pm Sat -Sun
Hourly Rate $165
Holiday Pay / Emergency 9:01PM -
6;59 am
Hourly Rate $220